Buy 5 get one free
Order your 5 shrugs as normal and you will receive a confirmation email, reply to that email stateing which colour you would like your free shrug to be, Its as easy as that!
We offer a large selection of beautiful Ladies shrugs and boleros with a colour to suit most outfits with black and white being some of our best sellers.
The shrugs or boleros is an ideal item of clothing for a summers evening when there can be a slight chill in the air or an accompaniment to that wedding outfit to give a little cover for the shoulders and tops of your arms.
The boleros are a one size fits all and are knitted in such a way they will fit most women of all sizes.
The Crochet shrug is hand made from shawls in Bali Indonesia in a fair trade partnership with a clothing supplier who is RAFTS registered using no child labour.